How to Make Money with Your Next Move


Living in the same space for more than a few years means you’ve accumulated items that are no longer needed and don’t serve a purpose. While you might not want to become a monk with limited possessions, the money you can save might have you considering it.

Save Money
The moving company you choose for your relocation will visually inspect the rooms in your home. This includes the basement, garage, attic and closets where you’ve hidden things even you’ve forgotten. Based on what they see on this walk-through, they’ll quote you a price. Imagine if you cut that price in half. You can do it by weeding out the items you don’t want like clutter and old things you’ll never use again.

Money in Your Pocket
When you are clearing out clutter and unwanted items, there are ways to save money as mentioned above, but you can also make money during the move by getting rid of items. You can actually make some extra cash when cleaning out your home and moving to your new location.

Wasted Time and Space
Items you don’t need are a waste of time to pack and move. They’re also a waste of space. If you’re moving to a larger home or downgrading to a smaller one, you’re going to wish you’d gotten rid of all your clutter before dragging it with you to the new home. It’ll help you start fresh.

How to Clean Before Moving
The first thing you’ll need to do is sort through your items. Start from the attic and work your way down to the closets, the basement and the garage. You’ll be blown away by how much clutter you really have. Sort everything into only three piles, which should be toss, keep or donate. If an item is outgrown or outdated, you can donate it. Duplicate items can be donated or sold if they’re working correctly, and forgotten items can be tossed in the trash, sold or donated.

Have a Yard Sale
All the items that you’ve decided to sell or donate can be gathered onto your lawn for a yard sale. Make it a blow-out weekend sale where everything must go immediately. If you have items left over at the end of the weekend, put them out for free.

Donate to a Charity
If you have items like winter coats, boots, old kid’s clothes or sports gear, you can donate them to a charity of your choice. You might call your city to find out if a school sports program could use extra gear. A local soup kitchen could use winter coats for their visitors. Learn where the items will be needed the most when donating.

Once you’ve cleared out the clutter, call movers to get an estimate. It’ll be a lot less than the quote you would have received before cleaning. There are more resources available at Hudson Movers Ltd for further references.


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